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How does the sauna affect our body?


Sauna is an ancient form of heat treatment practiced around the world. Opinions on saunas are divided, some love them, others avoid them. Finns have made them part of their culture. It is estimated that in this country of five and a half million citizens, there are about two million saunas! Is it worth taking inspiration from northern countries and taking a liking to the sauna? We want to explain it!

The heat bath methodology consists of two phases: heating and cooling. Each should last from five to a maximum of twelve minutes. The cycle is usually repeated 2-3 times. The most common way to cool down is to take a cool shower or plunge into a pool of cold water. It is important to spend about thirty minutes resting and replenishing fluids after the treatment.

How does being in a sauna affect our body?

Reduction of stress and fatigue

Resting in a relaxing space with the sound of your favorite music in the background and being enveloped in pleasant warmth will undoubtedly reduce stress and help you relax. Studies have shown that using a sauna makes it easier to fall asleep. Sleep is calmer and deeper, all due to a gradual decrease in endorphins.

Improving the body's immunity

The sauna raises the body's temperature in a controlled and safe manner, which helps fight viruses and bacteria, as well as reduce toxins in the body. Even one visit to the sauna in the autumn and winter can strengthen the body, and regular sauna sessions will allow you to enjoy good health all year round.

Skin care

The sauna is ideal for skin care strategies. Thanks to the body's cleansing processes during sauna sessions and the acceleration of circulation, the skin becomes visibly firmed, smoothed, and supple.

Increased stamina

During a heat session, you can observe the improved work of the cardiovascular system and, most importantly, the respiratory system, whose response is related to increased ventilation of the lungs through accelerated and deepened breathing.

Pain relief

The increase in body temperature reduces muscle tension and increases the elasticity of muscle fibers, resulting in a reduction in pain. Sauna is an excellent therapy, whether for arthritis, muscle fatigue, or as a preventive measure.

Before using a sauna, consult your doctor to find out whether it is possible to heat up your body without risking unpleasant health consequences.

If you want to experience the sauna for yourself, New Skanpol Hotel gives you this opportunity! Enrich your trip with relaxing and health-promoting moments of relaxation in the sauna.