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5 gift ideas for travelers


Most of us associate December with gifts. Both with searching for them, buying them and giving them to a loved one, as well as receiving them. Which is more enjoyable - giving or receiving gifts? Hard to tell, we call it a draw! 😉
Sometimes we face minor obstacles in the form of lack of ideas. It must be admitted that choosing the right gift can sometimes be troublesome. If your relatives love traveling, here are five gift suggestions that should appeal to any traveler.

Scratch map

This is the perfect gift for making plans for future trips and scratching off places we've already seen. The gradually increasing number of discovered places on the map will satisfy every traveler!

E-book reader

A gift to lighten the load on your luggage! Any trip will pass more quickly and pleasantly when the traveler has the opportunity to immerse themselves in the world recorded on pages of a fascinating book.


What if you only had one attempt to take a picture that would be developed right away? It sounds unrealistic to younger generations, but it's the perfect vacation souvenir that we can put in an album, wallet or gift to our travel companion!

Travel planner

To take the stress out of your trip, it's a good idea to plan it carefully. A travel planner will perfectly serve this role! All the most important information in one place. Sounds like a perfectionist's dream.


Providing experiences is the most beautiful gift we can give to another person. A stay voucher at New Skanpol Hotel, a value voucher or treatment voucher at SKANPOL SPA or an invitation to a delicious dinner at the Sublima restaurant will provide a ton of joy and memories that will stay with you for a long time. 🙂